Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Where can u buy hair dye?

where can i buy hair dye that are not perment. lik green hair dye. blu,orange, red, pink, grey. good quality stuff.

where? and what brand and how much. thankss

Where can u buy hair dye?

Wal- Mart, Rite Aide, CVS, Walgreens, Target... Any store like that.

Where can u buy hair dye?

you can buy hair dye at any ching chang store for 1.99

Where can u buy hair dye?

it's called "manic panic" it's about 10 bucks a jar. Depending on how long your hair is it will do 2 or 3 times. It washes out. You can usually get it at any drug store.

Where can u buy hair dye?

The Drug Store!!

Where can u buy hair dye?

try a beauty supply store

Where can u buy hair dye?

hot topic has fun colors

and limited too has stuff, too

i think

Where can u buy hair dye?

At the grocery store, and about $10 a box.

Where can u buy hair dye?

the store??????

Where can u buy hair dye?

i don't know were exactly were u can find non permanent hair dye but i know were u can find permanent in all colors the beauty supply stores

Where can u buy hair dye?

Sally's Beauty Supply definetely there

Where can u buy hair dye?

www.hottopic.com (Most malls have a hot topic store, but the website has a better selection)

They've got many different brands at many different prices ranges, depending on how long you want the color to stick around.

Also, there's www.sallybeauty.com... Its more for hairdressers, but the public's invited to shop there too. Again, many price points and brands depending on how long you want the color.

Where can u buy hair dye?

Go to a store that sells strictly salon stuff. Hair dyes, shampoos/conditioner, tools for dying, salon scissors...you get my point. Ask them for their opinion of a good brand of hair dye for temporary color hair dye. They'll know more and every store has different prices. I like Sally's in CA.

Where can u buy hair dye?

Walgreens,Walmart,Sally beauty supply, barbershops,ect.

Where can u buy hair dye?


Where can u buy hair dye?

I think the best place to buy hair dye is in a local hair salon. I find them the best as you can ask for pro advise before you apply it to her hair.

Where can u buy hair dye?

if you don't know don't do it

Where can u buy hair dye?

INDIAN or foreign have any allergy for all sale or retail ???????????

Where can u buy hair dye?

Hot Topic

Where can u buy hair dye?

You can get Manic Panic via the internet or your nearest hot topic store. I am dying my hair their shocking blue. It is only semi-perminant color though. The stuff goes anywhere from seven to twelve dollars a bottle. I dont know where you can get perminant stuff though.

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