Saturday, November 28, 2009

Hair colouring?

At the age of 44 I have noticed several 'grey hairs'. Is there any natural products that will wash out that I can use to disguise the grey %26amp; colour my hair without having to wait for it to grow out %26amp; most importantly do so without damaging my hair.

Hair colouring?

try roux fanci-full mousses, they wash out so you will need to apply everyday but you just apply them like you would any other hair mousse so there are no chemicals and no faffing around:

Hair colouring?

use arnica hair oil by wellman's which gives natural colour to ur hair

Hair colouring?

There are colouring "mousses" that you can use temporary - as to using natural products I used to use natural hennas - they are a little more permanent but it is all organic and is a great conditioner - do not know where you can buy them now though - maybe a health shop - used them for years before changing to permanent hair colouring as I was going too grey !!

Hair colouring?

it depends on the colour of your hair, if your fair headed you could use lemon juice, my mother is 43 and had greys for a while and this has helped for a long time, but sometimes she finds it hard and likes to have blond highlights which takes alot of the Grey out of the hair...

good luck, but when in doubt as a professional

Hair colouring?

check the links below for * Hair Dyeing Tips

Hair colouring?

You could try using henna..from lush..its add boiling water to it..or you could use sachets of Wella Toners..available from boots.

Hair colouring?

Just get something from Boots or Superdrug there's loads of stuff available

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