according to chinese health stuff (my mom told me this), you can eat black sesame, which makes your hair turn black. black sesame is like
My mom read the newspaper once, where this old lady had eaten at least like 2 of these or something per day, these glutinous rice balls stuffed with black sesame seed paste (i've eaten it before they don't taste too bad), and when she got old, like 80 years or more, she still had black hair. Also, I read myself in a chinese book that if you eat strawberry, it can help turn your hair into its original color. Pretty much, I think those glutinous rice balls will work, because usually chinese medical stuff is good, valid, and works. You can check out the same site here if you want (scroll down): Hoped this helped some. K, peace.
Can you prevent grey hairs?
i don't think so.....
Can you prevent grey hairs?
Don't have kids.
Can you prevent grey hairs?
Can you prevent grey hairs?
I got one hint for you, DON'T HAVE KIDS AND DON'T GET MARRIED, this will reduce the grey hairs you get, LOL, no seriously I don't think there is anything you can do to prevent grey hairs
Can you prevent grey hairs?
Easy. Die young.
Can you prevent grey hairs?
Stay away from MEN
Can you prevent grey hairs?
By eating right your whole life....or you can color it,
Can you prevent grey hairs?
Yes, dye your hair.
Can you prevent grey hairs?
Aha - I see what you've done there. You've re-worded the question.
Unfortunately the answer is still the same. No you can't, all you can do is colour your hair.
Can you prevent grey hairs?
How much grey hair you have in mostly hereditary, but you can also prevent some of it by reducing your stress levels. My grey hairs pop out more during high stress times.
Can you prevent grey hairs?
Only with hair dying in my experience...its a matter of genetics...based on family heritage and there is not much that can be done in manner of stress or what not to decrease it....
Can you prevent grey hairs?
Yes and no. Yes, because if you are under a lot of stress your hair follicles start to sort of go under pressur and they give up. So your hair does not produce colour anymore but it still grows. No, because sometimes you cannot help from being under stress. You could dye your hair if you wanted to as well! :)
Can you prevent grey hairs?
No but you can dye them. Hair goes grey due to a lack of melanin which is the substance that gives hair it's colour. High melanin content gives hair that is of a reddish tint and varying amounts combined with genealogy give hair it's distinctive colouring from black to brown to mousy and blonde with red as a distinct separate colour. Grey hair shows a lack of the natural colouring agent which cannot be replaced. So my advice is either grow grey gracefully or curl up and dye.
Can you prevent grey hairs?
Actually I did a websearch on this a few weeks ago and from what I found out you can slow the production of them....take care of yourself and take vitiamins...apart from that you can always use a hair dye....myself I have never dyed my hair and it looks good and the big plus is i don't look like i'm trying to be younger than i am and i don't have to resort to hair coloring which can really mess your hair up....bottom line, natural is 'nice and easy' !
Can you prevent grey hairs?
It is like asking can we prevent ageing?!! The answer is probably we can delay greying of hair. Back home in South India, we eat a lot of 'Curry Leaves' also called 'Kari Patta' in Hindi, this and Garlic (some people claim) is believed to help delay greying of hair.
Can you prevent grey hairs?
I answered this question in the 'hair' section, but just in case you read there first, I'm not repeating myself. However, the answer is 'yes'.
Can you prevent grey hairs?
cut them off!
Can you prevent grey hairs?
only if u get them becuase of stress
Can you prevent grey hairs?
I've heard that if grey hair is caused by stress, taking folic acid will sometimes restore the color.
Can you prevent grey hairs?
prevent? maybe a little...
Grey hairs a partly caused by genetics and partly caused by stress.
So try to get as little stressed as possible
Can you prevent grey hairs?
Can you prevent grey hairs?
You can put them out or dye them but unfortunately you can't prevent them!
Can you prevent grey hairs?
yes dont live in the uk or get married
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